Add Blog
Please note: we do not allow porn, pharma, or gambling blogs or blog posts. Our system does regular scans of all blogs and if it finds specific keywords it will automatically remove the blog post and flag the blog for review.
If you’re adding the first blog, you’ll be automatically redirected to the Add Blog form. If you already added your first blog, then just click the green ‘New’ button.
Blog Settings
Blog Domain: Enter your new blog domain without http://
Blog Network: Think of networks as niches – blogs on the same network will never be put on the same server. So you could have a Health network, News network, Blogging network. For the first blog, you can keep the ‘Default’ network. You can rename it in Settings. More on that later.
Advanced Settings
Blog Title: Standard WordPress blog title.
Blog Tagline: Standard WordPress blog tagline (optional).
Blog's Resources: This will impact the reserved disk size for uploads and the reserved memory, which impacts the speed and how many plugins your blog can run. Double resources take two blog slots, and triple resources three blog slots. In other words, if you have a blog with double resources, it’s the same as if you have two regular blogs. You can also upgrade the blog at any time in the future.
There are some other optional settings you can select. For all we have already chosen the most popular options, so you can just skip these settings.
Install Popular Plugins: Here you can select the plugins you’d like to install immediately on the blog. You can, of course, add more plugins when the blog is installed.
Delete Blog
You can remove the blog by clicking the button Delete on the blog info page.