Set up DNS
Automatic Nameserver Configuration
EBN supports automatic nameserver configuration for popular registrars. The setup takes a few minutes for each registrar and should be done first before adding the domain/s. Once it’s set up, everything is done automatically within EBN.
Keep in mind the domain has to be registered and in your account. We do not register the domain for you.
See the full instructions here.
Nameserver Configuration
If your registrar is not supported for automatic nameservers, go to their control panel and change nameservers manually. If you don’t know how, check with your registrar. Here are the instructions for GoDaddy, NameCheap, and Dynadot.
It can take up to 48 hours for DNS changes to propagate and the blog to start working from all worldwide locations.
You can always check your blog’s DNS settings on the blog info page.
Can I use different nameservers?
We highly recommend you use the default nameservers since they’re being used by all customers on our hosting providers (meaning thousands of regular websites have these nameservers).
However, you can set up your domain to use third-party nameservers.
Using Third-Party Nameservers
If you would like to use different nameservers than our default ones, most registrars have their own DNS hosting or you can use Cloudflare.
You will find the Zone Records you need to enter under your blog info page. They are different for each blog.
Some providers require @ instead of blank record.
Note! When using Cloudflare as a third-party DNS, you should disable caching there, otherwise one-click login might not work.
If you don’t know how to do this, request assistance from your registrar.