Automated Content

EBN offers an easy OpenAI GPT integration for automating content on your blogs.

You need your own OpenAI API key and a prompt for every blog. Configuration is straightforward: open the blog page, and you’ll see the new Automated Content section in the right box.

Click the cog and select the posting schedule, add the prompt, and select the publish status of the blog post.

Writing the prompt

The default and recommended prompt is:

Write a blog post about {topic} for {target audience} in {tone of voice}. The article should be no shorter than {###} words and no longer than {###} words. It should be structured with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use {primary keyword} and {secondary keyword} throughout the post, without overusing them. Make the first line of the article the headline.

  • The prompt should be descriptive and between 100 and 300 words.
  • Always instruct it to make the first line of the article the headline.
  • If you're writing your own prompt, it's critical you test it first. Use the OpenAI Playground to test it and ensure the results are what you expect.

Spintax is allowed:

Write a blog post about {weight loss | fitness | exercise}.

All prompts are appended with a request for the article in Markdown format so we can add subheadings to posts.

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