All Tips

  • "You can edit your blog even before DNS resolves if you change your hosts file."
  • "Backups are done on a daily basis and you can download the latest one from the Blog Info page."

  • "The system takes care of security and hacking prevention with EBN core plugin."

  • "The system checks for WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates randomly every few hours."
  • "The system uses a random common US name for display name with every deployed blog."
  • "We monitor all your blogs for hacking attempts, worms, and viruses so you don’t have to."
  • "Blog admin password cannot be changed. For multiple logins, we recommend creating a new user."
  • "You can follow all system activity on the Activity Page."

  • "The blog receives emails to Mailbox for address and a few other standard addresses as well."

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